Return to Hogwarts

Return to Hogwarts: 20 Years of Magic

   By María Vilariño Ceresuela

    February 20th, 2022

The magic is back with the new Harry Potter special: Return to Hogwarts, two decades after the first book of the collection (Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone) came out, causing great success and managing to sell millions of copies. After this great event, six more books were published  and eight films were released. Soon, readers from all over the world knew the wizarding world of J.K. Rowling.

Although the books triumphed, it was the films that made the Potterheads (how the Harry Potter fans are called) feel closest to Harry and get the chance to connect with him. The cast of these movies was fantastic, it felt like the actors were created specifically to play Rowling characters; they had similar personalities and thus, it was so authentic.

The Harry Potter cast.

This special reunion, released on HBO Max,  with all the actors and actresses is memorable for those who have grown up with Harry Potter. 

It sounds so geeky, but I really do like studying and reading, and if I’m not working on Harry Potter, then my greatest relaxation is to sit with a book”            Emma Watson.

Listening to the cast talk about how they felt while filming the movies and all the experiences they have lived thanks to the creator of all this magic makes them feel nostalgic and emotional. Now that the audience is older, they can relate to the story even more.

Apart from remembering old times, they also talk about how some of the actors didn’t know how to handle the sudden fame. This is what happened to Emma Watson -Hermione Granger in the films-, who, being so young, thought about quitting acting in these films when she felt she could not bear more stress.

These deep and emotional conversations made the audience feel this experience was unique in such a special way that some tears fell down their cheeks.